Missouri Traffic Law
Trust the attorneys at the Marler Law Group, LLC to protect your driving record. Our lawyers know the traffic laws.
If you have received a traffic ticket, we can probably help you avoid points against your driver’s license and rising insurance premiums.
In Missouri, points are assessed against your license if you are convicted of, or plead guilty to, a moving violation. When you pay a traffic ticket, you are pleading guilty to the alleged violation, and points are assessed against your license. Your license can be suspended if you accumulate as few as six points. Insurance companies raise the premiums of drivers who receive points against their license.
In most cases, we can prevent points from being assessed against your driver’s license! Call us at (636) 757-3636 or email us, to request a free case evaluation and fee quote
Our Fees
Our fees may vary depending on the specific circumstances of your case. Attorney’s fees do not include fines or court costs. Our base rates by alleged violation are listed below.
To request a free case evaluation and fee quote, call us at (636)-757-3636.
- Municipal Court speeding less than 20 mph over posted speed limit: $75.00
- Circuit Court speeding less than 20 mph over posted speed limit: $125.00
- Improper Lane Change: $75.00
- Electric Signal Violation: $75.00
- Stop Sign Violation: $75.00
- Failure to Show Proof of Insurance: $75.00
- Careless and Imprudent Driving: $150.00
- Municipal Court Driving While Suspended: $250.00
Missouri’s Driver’s License Point System
The director of revenue shall put into effect a point system for the suspension and revocation of licenses. Points shall be assessed only after a conviction or forfeiture of collateral. The initial point value is as follows:
(1) Any moving violation of a state law or county or municipal or federal traffic ordinance or regulation not listed in this section, other than a violation of vehicle equipment provisions or a court-ordered supervision as provided in section 302.303: 2 points
(except any violation of municipal stop sign ordinance where no accident is involved: 1 point)
(2) Speeding In violation of a state law: 3 points
In violation of a county or municipal ordinance: 2 points
(3) Leaving the scene of an accident in violation of section 577.060, RSMo: 12 points In violation of any county or municipal ordinance: 6 points
(4) Careless and imprudent driving in violation of subsection 4 of section 304.016,
RSMo: 4 points
In violation of a county or municipal ordinance: 2 points
(5) Operating without a valid license in violation of subdivision (1) or (2) of subsection 1 of section 302.020:
(a) For the first conviction: 2 points
(b) For the second conviction: 4 points
(c) For the third conviction: 6 points
(6) Operating with a suspended or revoked license prior to restoration of operating privileges : 12 points
(7) Obtaining a license by misrepresentation: 12 points
(8) For the first conviction of driving while in an intoxicated condition or under the influence of controlled substances or drugs: 8 points
(9) For the second or subsequent conviction of any of the following offenses however combined: driving while in an intoxicated condition, driving under the influence of controlled substances or drugs or driving with a blood alcohol content of eight-hundredths of one percent or more by weight: 2 points
(10) For the first conviction for driving with blood alcohol content eight-hundredths of one percent or more by weight in violation of state law: 8 points
In violation of a county or municipal ordinance or federal law or regulation: 8 points
(11) Any felony involving the use of a motor vehicle : 12 points
(12) Knowingly permitting unlicensed operator to operate a motor vehicle: 4 points
(13) For a conviction for failure to maintain financial responsibility pursuant to county or municipal ordinance or pursuant to section 303.025, RSMo: 4 points
2. The director shall, as provided in subdivision (5) of subsection 1 of this section, assess an operator points for a conviction pursuant to subdivision (1) or (2) of subsection 1 of section 302.020, when the director issues such operator a license or permit pursuant to the provisions of sections 302.010 to 302.340.
3. An additional two points shall be assessed when personal injury or property damage results from any violation listed in subsection 1 of this section and if found to be warranted and certified.